About Me ;)

I am 30 years old. Married to an AWESOME man and have an AMAZING daughter!! This Blog is a glimpse into my life, the ups and downs of a weight loss journey – the high and lows of raising a child and the many obstacles that get in the way of our everyday life!! So fasten your seatbelt and sit down it may be a long bumpy ride!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

WI Day!

Thursday is WI (weigh in) day and I am happy to report I am down 2.5 lbs this week!! YAY

Todays gym class was AWESOME and I am so ready to call it a day LOL

Still have the dreaded laundry to fold but I think the 3 box shipment from Old Navy scheduled for tonight will be my incentive to get the drawerws cleared out for the new clothes!!!

It's almost Friday - YAY - however I am not sure why I am so excited - it just means work, home, grocery shopping and then bed - what an exciting life I lead!!

Ok, enough blabbering - off to eat a yogurt with some granola.



Kelly said...

congrats on the loss! that is awesome! i need to get over to old navy, do they have good sales right now? i love receiving packages :) its so exciting. like a gift to myself. haha

Unknown said...

great WI, Danielle! Love online shopping!